virtually la gi

Even 10 years before there was some cooperation and sharing, but by 1989 there was virtually none.

The lifting of these twin threats has been a vast human benefit, confidently predicted by virtually no one well in advance of the sự kiện.

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With a causation-based criterion of identity in place, some materialists claim that the sciences have virtually established the truth of materialism.

However, the head and left foot are virtually finished, in contrast đồ sộ the lack of finish of the rest of the figure.

However, members of the nucleus virtually always outnumbered others, giving a noticeable stability đồ sộ the composition of the group.

Virtually nothing is known about what indeed appears đồ sộ have been the very first systematic survey conducted at the national level.

After 1893 expenditure fell although enrolment remained virtually at the 1890 level.

Virtually everywhere the political potential of urban mayors within national political systems is growing stronger.

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The gradualist emphasis was explicit and virtually universal up đồ sộ the mid-1820s.

From counting for virtually nothing in positivist criminology it now seemed đồ sộ count for everything, as it had originally done in classical criminology.

Virtually every organisation, large or small, uses a logo đồ sộ express its identity đồ sộ the public.

Batch processes and multipurpose plants are virtually ignored.

Also in most cases there is virtually no evidence for these lines as leys of any mô tả tìm kiếm, let alone as important ones.

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Many of them are under review and some of them may be virtually ignored in practice.

Virtually every dramatic protagonist takes a moment đồ sộ puzzle out the relation between vision and reality in these plays.

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