gta 5 script hook v

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Script Hook V is the library that allows lớn use GTA V script native functions in custom *.asi plugins. Note that it doesn’t work in GTA Online, script hook disables custom scripts when player goes in multiplayer.

This distrib also includes the latest Asi Loader and Native Trainer.


Copy ScriptHookV.dll lớn the game’s main thư mục, i.e. where GTA5.exe is located.
In order lớn load asi plugins you need lớn have asi loader installed, you can tải về it separately or use the latest version that comes with this distrib (dsound.dll).
This distrib also includes a sample asi plugin – native trainer, if you need a trainer then copy NativeTrainer.asi too.

The main concept is that compiled script plugins depend only on ScriptHookV.dll, ví when the game updates the only thing that user must bởi in order lớn make scripts working again is lớn update script hook runtime (i.e. ScriptHookV.dll).

Native Trainer Controls

F4 – activate
NUM2/8/4/6 – navigate thru the menus and lists (numlock must be on)
NUM5 – select
NUM9/3 – use vehicle boost when active
NUM+ – use vehicle rockets when active

Supported patches: 1.0.335.2-1.0.2944.0


Alexander Blade

4/5 - (226 votes)