empathetic la gi

Practical applications of empathetic creativity are discussed with reference lớn music education, focusing on evaluation of individual contribution lớn group creative performances.

Rather, theoria's goal of a broader, more universal understanding of things invites us lớn consider how theories yielding empathetic knowledge also exhibit facets of prediction.

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It is proposed that empathetic attunement is a necessary prerequisite for the emergence of spontaneous musical utterances which exemplify empathetic creativity.

The test of a slogan's validity, then, is again empathetic affirmation across a wide audience.

This lack of experience may have inhibited decentring, introspection and the development of trust, all of which are necessary precursors lớn empathetic attunement.

I agree that empathetic attunement can result when exploration and risk-taking has been mix up within the piece previously, although not always necessarily.

Empathetic attunement was musically evident in the production of unpredictable musical 'invitation' or 'response' when participants engaged each other in challenging musical interaction.

If, after all, the other is ví complex and unpredictable as lớn elude genuine attempts at an empathetic knowledge of her, why bother?

Empathetic attunement occurs when musicians are able lớn decentre and see things from other musical perspectives.

For the private pupils, the performance arena was a familiar environment with small, empathetic audiences.

His is the surest of empathetic touches for the personal as well as the local.

In the medium run rẩy, the result is that everybody in a society tends lớn have the same mix of empathetic preferences.

With experience, the empathetic researcher learns lớn distinguish between a number of causes of non-communicativeness.

Basic emotional-action systems may project feelings onto objects in the world, creating mood-congruent experience-expectant cognitions essential for empathetic responses.

If a family thành viên should liên hệ you in the weeks and months following the death pronouncement, respond in a timely and empathetic manner.

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