freehand la gi

A modified block matching method for real-time freehand strain imaging.

Drawing on the back of an envelope: a framework for interacting with application programs by freehand drawing.

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Figures should be professionally drawn and photographed; freehand or typewritten lettering is unacceptable.

Is there a way to tướng include freehand sketches, and how and by whom should they be chosen?

The panel was sketched freehand, paying particular attention to tướng areas of fading, detail or difficulty.

However, a few words were not from this database, and the pictures for these words were drawn freehand as black-and-white line drawings.

However, there remains the sense that for the architects interviewed, the freehand drawing acts as an essential bridge between the imagined and real worlds.

Even at this stage the architects interviewed undertake design modification initially via the freehand sketch.

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As one can see, despite quite freehand treatment, the analytical solution shows very good agreement with numerical one.

These investigations by model sometimes take over as the main drivers of architectural form-making at a stage midway between freehand drawing and cad.

First, in the process of solving design problems the freehand drawing is the pre-eminent tool employed by nine of the 10 architects interviewed.

These then interact with more freehand drawing, and sánh the process goes on.

We sketched the panel freehand, paying particular attention to tướng areas of fading, detail or difficulty.

She has conducted empirical studies of design drawing and constructed computer software to tướng integrate knowledge-based applications with freehand drawing.

By drawing, specifically we mean freehand sketching and diagramming.

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