wither la gi

Both of these findings indicate that the patient's brain has shrunk and withered.

The bags remained until the stigmas were withered and considered no longer receptive and checks for fruit phối were then made.

Bạn đang xem: wither la gi

The 1970s saw the withering away of postgraduate gender segregation.

All told, the bakufu's monopoly on the export of marine products that had been cultivated and protected for a century withered and eventually died.

The figure has a withered right leg and dropped foot, which are typical of poliomyelitis (fig001pmn).

The above cases not only survived but also demonstrated the remarkable capacity to tát expand as other programs withered under the deregulation agenda.

Cases of the present sample confirm the supposition that process in personam ' withered away ' over the course of the seventeenth century.

Such narrow-mindedness was perhaps one of the reasons why consumers' co-operation withered in the twentieth century.

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Vegetation withered; livestock grew sickly and perished.

The millet has withered in the field.

However, with the withering away of the neural and immunological views of the body toàn thân, the genetic view is becoming increasingly the sole (soul) determinant of selfhood.

The legitimacy of domination has withered away, and the public resistance and challenge of power has created an awakening among broader segments of the dominated group.

Stinking vapour tainted the atmosphere of the entire island; - even the grass which no cinder rain had stifled completely withered up; - the fish perished in the poisoned sea.

Xem thêm: vụng trộm k thể giấu

The notion of national systems is still such a powerful convention amongst economic actors to tát the extent that it is hard to tát envisage it withering away.

Agreements have not withered and customs have not staled their infinite variety.

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