caught up la gi

UK Go on to tướng the shops without mạ, I'll catch you up.

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SMART Vocabulary: những kể từ tương quan và những cụm kể từ

catch up


SMART Vocabulary: những kể từ tương quan và những cụm kể từ



to vì thế something you did not have time to tướng vì thế earlier:

SMART Vocabulary: những kể từ tương quan và những cụm kể từ


SMART Vocabulary: những kể từ tương quan và những cụm kể từ

Bạn cũng hoàn toàn có thể mò mẫm những kể từ tương quan, những cụm kể từ và kể từ đồng nghĩa tương quan trong số chủ thể này:

(Định nghĩa của catch (someone) up kể từ Từ điển & Từ đồng nghĩa tương quan Cambridge giành cho Người học tập Nâng cao © Cambridge University Press)

catch up | Từ điển Anh Mỹ

catch up


She is really fast, and I couldn’t catch up with her.

(Định nghĩa của catch up kể từ Từ điển Học thuật Cambridge © Cambridge University Press)

Các ví dụ của catch (someone) up

catch (someone) up

Coverage and vaccine efficacy influences the number of cases at equilibrium whereas catch-up programmes vì thế not.

Younger children in particular had significant catch-up growth, which was less notable in older children.

Patients with vestibular loss require several quick catch-up saccades to tướng maintain fixation (to one side with unilateral lesions and to tướng both sides with bilateral lesions).

When a new vaccination schedule with a dose at 11 months with catch-up chiến dịch is introduced, all 11- 14-month-old children are vaccinated.

The differential income levels across income-status groups over a variety of characteristics were first widened but began to tướng converge in a catch-up phase of growth.

For older children of school age there is no clear evidence of continued catch-up.

Developmental catch-up, and deficit, following adoption after severe global early privation.

Developmental catch-up, and deficit, following adaptation after severe global early deprivation.

Developmental catch-up, and deficit, following adoption after severe global early deprivation.

Developmental catch-up and deficit following adoption after severe privation.

Developmental catch-up, and delay, following adoption after severe global early privation.

This would indicate that any growth effects in the fetus are transient and are accompanied by a 'catch-up' phase in the post-natal period.

The spectacular catch-up found indicated that it was.

Longitudinal change in parenting associated with developmental delay and catch-up.

The finding on head circumference shows index cases have complete catch-up with their sibs.

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